Thursday, January 27, 2011

28-29th Jan '11- Conversations and Decisions

Conversations need to be had for decisions to be made. Decisions need time, clarity of thoughts, strength and vision. Once the decision is made, since you have thought about it so much, you have to stick to it. It is like a closed fist then. It is made and you have made it.

27th Jan '11- Fight

Sometimes you have to fight against others, your ideologies, beliefs, yourself and stand your ground. Even the most docile hands can get aggressive. I also like to call these hands- animal hands. haha Had a really interesting time making these shots and see them work out. 

24-26th Jan '11- Get out of my head!

Sometimes things get stuck in your head and don't get out. Its just this feeling before you figure things and then there is some relief.

17th - 22nd Jan '11- The Black Hole

Last week was crazy, hectic, emotional and had a lot of black elements and celebrations at the same time.  So I guess it kinda came out in some of the work. I am doing a series with these photographs. Hopefully will have some more works up soon.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

15th Jan '11- Nail paint

 I rediscovered some photographs I had taken awhile back but i see the connect with the photos I like to take even these days. I like the mix of hands, feet, the nail paint and tapestry. The nail paint is provocative, the gestures timid and I like the way both play a part of this series.

Friday, January 14, 2011

14 Jan '11- Patience

 Again some drawings trying to find meaning, through simple words and illustrations!

12, 13th Jan '11- Cope with hope!

 Even scribbling on the computer can bring out something from within, a msg, a thought, a wish, some design. I love drawing and its therapeutic especially when your slightly sick! cope with hope!

Monday, January 10, 2011

8th- 10th Jan '11- Need for colour

Sometimes you get sick of the black all around. And all you need is a burst of colour to bring that change. Brightness is needed for the soul and pinkness for love haha.