Monday, October 4, 2010

2nd Oct '10- Lets use your legs!

On saturday a male friend of mine said, 'why don't you photograph my legs' and i was like, 'no, not that interesting.' So, today I decided to work with a photograph of a male friends legs that i had clicked awhile back. I realized the effect is totally different and completely converse to the shy female legs. These legs came out stronger, bolder. Wonder if there is a connect? I did another option but that dint make it to the cut! Maybe soon will use mens legs too?!


  1. and the leg mania continues..wonder whatz the obsession with it?? y legs and sidu go together??

  2. haha ya a lot of legs! just find them verrrry interesting! and they show so much! emotion, attitudes, strength, weakness and shoes, slippers clothes, stocings just make it more interesting! and it provocative!
