Friday, May 6, 2011

5th, 6th, 7th May '11- Book-ing

Lips are sealed

Not on the same page

In Sync


So I did a few more, some of them actually have names! yay! It takes damn long to get in the groove, first few pages are all crap, then you hit on something that works then you stop! woops!


  1. I really like this! Whats the idea behind it??

  2. A friend just gave me an old book coz he liked some of my old work where i had used old book paper. So I just drew in it and did some collages and all, more like an everyday work journal and some of the pieces have some idea behind it, you can read the title :)

    But this book has now been ripped and each page is an artwork.

    Thank you :)
